Home Of The Gods – The Return Of The Gods – Part 3

Ellen Lloyd - AncientPages.com - As we continue this intriguing ancient account, it is wise to repeat what we learned previously.

In part 1 of this article we described how one courageous man got this information that deals with an unknown part of our ancient history. The explorer was told by the Chief about a highly advanced ancient civilization that came to our planet in golden ships. We also explained why these unusual beings were called masters of the Universe.

In part 2, we discussed what this mysterious civilization accomplished on Earth. We talked about what cities they built, and why they shared a special connection with certain monuments. The Chief described their sophisticated technology and meetings with locals. We learned about why these beings left our planet, their plans for humanity and the date of their departure.

Home Of The Gods - The Return Of The Gods - Part 3

In this part we continue our examination of this incredible account and it’s time to find out why and when the gods decided to return to our planet.

As always, we do keep an open-mind and we must remember that we are dealing with a highly controversial story.

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See also:

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