Mystery Of The Ancient Moonless Ones – Strange Tales Of Unusual Lost Civilizations

Ellen Lloyd - - As we continue our quest to find ancient, lost civilizations, we stumble upon intriguing very old texts that mention highly unusual beings who once walked the Earth.

Mystery Of The Ancient Moonless Ones - Strange Tales Of Unusual Lost Civilizations

The greatest problem with the mentioned lost civilizations is that they must have been very unlike humans, as described by ancient authors. Some modern scientists will argue such ancient civilizations could not possibly have existed, and yet, there is one particular ancient scholar and several prehistoric authors who argue these remarkable beings were present on our planet when the Earth was unlike anything we know from now. Our journey takes us thousands of years back when the climate on our planet must have been very different.

Let us travel to the past and unravel yet another great and almost "impossible" ancient mystery.

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Library of Ancient & Unexplained Mysteries

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