Explorer Discovered A Lost Underground World Beneath Big Sur In North America – But Why Cannot Anyone Else Find It Now?

Ellen Lloyd - AncientPages.com -  Our quest for lost ancient treasures and lost subterranean worlds takes us to a place that is often referred to as one of the most beautiful coastlines in the world – the Big Sur in California, North America.

This rugged and mountainous region located between Carmel Highlands and San Simeon is not only a popular destination for those who enjoy the beauty of nature, but also an interesting target for treasure hunters.

Explorer Discovered A Lost Underground World Beneath Big Sur In North America - But Why Cannot Anyone Else Find It Now?

According to an Indian legend, there is a strange, lost underground world beneath Big Sur. Indians hid a marvelous treasure there, but they were unwilling to reveal the location to the Spaniards.

Many modern explorers and treasure hunters have tried find this mysterious subterranean world, but all of them have returned from their expeditions empty-handed.

One man gained Indians’ confidence and they told him about the secret location of the lost underground world. He explored its tunnels, marvelous caves and found something quite extraordinary.

Shortly before he died, he revealed the location to his family, but there was one problem that makes the entire story very complicated.

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