Riddle Of The Shining Sphere And Its Unknown Properties – Why Did It ‘Vanish’?

Ellen Lloyd – AncientPages.com - Sometimes people find objects that are beyond human understanding. This is exactly what happened to a man who stumbled upon a peculiar, polished sphere engraved with unusual pictures and writings.

At the time of the discovery, he had little understanding of what he was facing.

Soon, he realized this was something unique.

Riddle Of The Shining Sphere And Its Unknown Properties – Why Did It 'Vanish'?

He was astonished when he received a letter from researchers who examined the mysterious sphere. Reports from the laboratory showed that the sphere was composed of material not known on this planet, and the sphere’s unknown properties were remarkable. Had he accidentally discovered a dangerous object? The peculiar sphere was later given to some scientists and it was, for unknown reasons, never seen again.

We have discussed out-of-place articles in many of our articles, and there are several examples of discovered objects that raise more questions than answers. Strange microscopically small nanospirals within the material that had to be at least 100,000 years old have been detected in several places, during a routine investigation of mineral deposits in the Ural Mountains in 1992.

The origin of these extraordinary and strange artifacts that the human eye can barely see - is still not explained.

We mentioned the intriguing metallic spheres of South Africa that are 2.8 billion years old. These artifacts are very controversial because they appear to be much too advanced for their time.

Today it's time for another oddity and mystery that may never be solved.

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