Enigmatic Ancient City Where People Experience Telepathy And Higher Level Of Consciousness

Ellen Lloyd - AncientPages.com - There are certain places on this planet that are often referred to as spiritual hotspots. Such places are believed to be surrounded by a very strong energy field that affects visitors in unusual ways. Some people report dizziness and a sense of confusion when finding themselves in an area where strong energy can be detected. However, there are also many cases when visitors state they suddenly feel calm and peaceful. These effects vary from person to person, depending on the visited place.

Enigmatic Ancient City Where People Experience Telepathy And Higher Level Of Consciousness

We have previously discussed the possibility that thousands of years ago, “someone” took time to measure our planet in detail. The idea that Neolithic people were capable of long distance geographic surveys is far-fetched, but a very advanced, ancient lost civilization possessed knowledge of the Earth’s topography and this information has been passed down from generation to generation.

Some researchers have suggested that our ancestors deliberately built a sacred network of monuments and some of these ancient buildings are energetic structures linked to consciousness. Basically, the purpose of such ancient spiritual hotspots was to collective consciousness.

This brings us to the subject of today’s article. There is a very ancient place, that is not only shrouded in myths, but also rich in history.

This sacred ancient city is remarkable. When you go there, you can admire the old temples and magnificent buildings that tell of intriguing events from the distant past. Still, the mot curious aspect of the enigmatic place is it’s surrounded by strong energy that is said to awaken consciousness and let people communicate through telepathic means.

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