Encounter With Time Window At The Upper Current River And Curious Glimpses From The Past

Ellen Lloyd - AncientPages.com - Can "time windows" into other worlds be opened and let us view scenes from the past or future?

Encounter With Time Window At The Upper Current River And Curious Glimpses From The Past

We have previously seen that there are many reports of people who have witnessed historical people and events, just like watching a movie. If inter-dimensional portals do exist, then we can occasionally see scenes from different time lines and invisible worlds. It may sound like science fiction, but more and more scientists are suggesting that our reality could be surrounded by several worlds totally invisible to the naked eye.

This interesting case is about a man who for a moment saw glimpses of past events that happened 400 years ago. The event remains an unexplained mystery. Did a "time window" accidentally open in front of him?

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See also:

Mysterious Visitors From Other Realms And Enigma Of Atmospheric Phenomena

Unexplained Encounters With Invisible Barriers – Mysterious Rays And Energy Fields

Danger Lurking In The Woods – Unknown Force And Mysterious Lights – Part 1 - 3

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