Advanced Ancient Civilization’s Encounter With Primitive People Led To Something Extraordinary – Thought-Provoking Theory Suggests

Ellen Lloyd - - On every continent we find stories about highly advanced ancient beings who came from the skies and gave people knowledge in a variety of subjects. These superior, highly intelligent beings possessed incredible weapons, ‘magical’ objects, traversed quickly crossing vast distances and performed miracles. Some of our ancestors’ myths and legends can be dismissed as fictional tales, but there are also accounts that give us reasons to investigate further.

Advanced Ancient Civilization's Encounter With Primitive People Led To Something Extraordinary - Thought-Provoking Theory Suggests

Ancient sacred texts, precious artifacts, archaeological discoveries, myths and legends open a window to the past. Perhaps some myths and legends should be treated as an important ancient message to future generations. We should think twice before rejecting our ancestors’ myths as fantasies. As previously mentioned on Ancient Pages, there are many ancient myths, legends and Biblical stories confirmed by modern science, and we can expect more in the near future.

But what does happen when an advanced civilization encounters primitive people? In this article we examine this kind of ancient meeting and a provocative theory that could shed light on our ancestors’ deepest beliefs.

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