Ancient Egyptian Knowledge Of The Cosmic Engine And Unseen God Of The Universe

Ellen Lloyd - - Ancient Egyptians worshipped a very large number of gods and more than 1,500 of them are known by name.

Yet, ancient Egyptians also believed in the existence of one God that stood above everything else. This was the unseen god of the Universe, the cosmic engine, without it there would be no gods, humans, or any other living beings. The unseen God was the ultimate ruler.

Ancient Egyptian Knowledge Of The Cosmic Engine And Unseen God Of The Universe

Our quest for secret ancient knowledge takes us to ancient Egypt that was once a cosmic land governed by a cosmic law. The cosmic harmony in Egypt was achieved because people were living in Maat. As previously discussed on Ancient Pages, Maat represented the most essential religious concept of the Egyptian view of the world. It was a concept of order of the world that the gods, pharaohs and ordinary people had to obey.

Maat was the Harmony or Law of the Universe.  Lack of Maat and her departure meant an inevitable return to the original chaos (Nu) and the end of the known world.

As many other ancient civilizations, Egyptians were fascinated with the stars and the Universe in whole. The ancient Egyptians viewed their civilization as a legacy coming directly from divine beings who existed in Egypt thousands of years before the pharaonic dynasties.  Before the Sky Gods left and returned to the stars, they co-existed with a group of mysterious rulers known as the Shemsu Hor.

Known as the Followers of Horus, the Shemsu Hor were semi-divine kings, priests and keepers of sacred knowledge.

When we examine ancient Egyptian knowledge of cosmos, we find clues that provide us with valuable knowledge about our past and perhaps even future. Ancient texts reveal Egyptians believed our fate is determined by the cosmic engine. Priests of the Old Kingdom studied the stars and other celestial bodies to understand what was going to happen in Egypt. Pyramids, temples and other ancient structures were deliberately aligned to the stars and some were even raised to symbolically replicate the sky. Many ancient Egyptian symbols have great cosmic significance and hieroglyphs containing secret cosmic  messages have been found in the Land of the Pyramids.

The secrets of the Universe were scattered all over ancient Egypt whose people believed knowledge about the future and the past was a hidden among the stars.

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