Shining Swords: Magical Artifacts That Symbolized Power, War, Punishment And Righteousness

A. Sutherland - - The motif of a magical artifact as a flaming sword with some supernatural power has appeared frequently across different folklore, myths, and legends.

These objects symbolize power, strength, and vitality and are often described and depicted as possessing divine, magical, or supernatural attributes.

Shining Swords: Magical Artifacts That Symbolized Power, War, Punishment And Righteousness

They are characterized by their remarkable ability to emit tremendous flames of immense magnitude and cast an intense, radiant glow that surpasses even the sun's brilliance.

One thing these formidable instruments have in common is that they reside in the possession of superior individuals, often mighty in stature and capability. Such figures command respect and total subordination and understand how to wield these potent forces with precision and authority.

Some are intertwined with history and legend, especially when a historical person appears to have such a mythical and superior object in his hands. The mythical world encounters the real world.

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