Did The Babylonian Fish-God Oannes Visit Tiahuanacu?

AncientPages.com - Is it a pure coincidence that the fish-god El Fraile The Friar) standing inside the Kalasasaya Temple is found on opposite side of the world?

Is it possible that the Babylonian god Oannes crossed the seas and visited Bolivia thousands of years ago?

Did The Babylonian Fish-God Oannes Visit Tiahuanacu?

The Temple of Kalasasaya is major archaeological structure that is part of Tiahuanacu , Boliva. Kalasasaya means "Place of the Vertical Stones and the temple is about 120 by 130 meters in dimension and aligned to the cardinal directions.

It is commonly believed that the temple was used to identify the change of seasons and the solar year of 365 days. In both equinoxes the Sun went through the center of main entrance gate, which can be accessed using a large stairway.

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