Bible And Book Of Enoch Reveal Why Ancient Giant Bones Are Missing

Ellen Lloyd - - In several of our articles we have discussed the possibility that giants once roamed the Earth. Beings of incredible statue and strength are described in myths, legends and sacred texts from all across the world. Memory of giants have been kept alive by our ancestors.

Bible And Book Of Enoch Reveal Why Ancient Giant Bones Are Missing

Those who question the existence of prehistoric giants often say such beings were not present on our planet and we cannot provide evidence in form of giant skeletons.

On the other hand, people who have no doubts that giants once played an important role in our history, say the evidence we look for has been covered-up because such discoveries would be a threat to mainstream history.

Looking for clues, we turn our attention to Biblical sources. In one of our articles we talked about intriguing ancient cities built by Biblical giants. Those who examined certain archaeological site have no doubts these prehistoric cities could only have been constructed by men of much greater stature than modern humans. If this is true, we cannot help wondering what happened to these giants and why we cannot find their bodies.

Can the Holy Book  and the Book of Enoch offer an explanation what happened to some giants? A closer investigation of these ancient texts reveals why ancient giant bones are missing.

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