Ancient Mysteries Of Japan – Strange Manuscripts Written In Unknown Language Discovered By Scientist – Part 1

Ellen Lloyd - - He was an accomplished and respected scientist whose work remained classified. One can say that his life was as mysterious as the secret projects he was involved in.

There is little information about his unusual discoveries because most of his documents were destroyed during the war. Many of his inventions were also declared state secrets, making it extremely difficult to learn the truth about the nature of his discoveries. He was also reluctant to express his personal opinions about some of the curiosities he examined.

Ancient Mysteries Of Japan -Strange Manuscripts Written In Unknown Language Discovered By Scientist - Part 1

One day he was sent on a secret mission. His expedition to a remote region in the mountains led to a most peculiar finding that has been ignored by modern science.

Could the mysterious ancient scripts, written in an unknown language give him more clues about our ancestors’ secret knowledge? Who were the authors of these strange scrolls? Who was the unknown man who was so eager to translate the texts?

We have previously written about the controversial ancient Takenouchi documents, but the old manuscripts we study today are in some ways even more peculiar.

Our journey and search for the truth take us to Japan, where we will examine strange stories looking through the eyes of a scientist who made a startling, yet little known discovery.

Read part 2

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