Your Destiny Is Engraved And Stored – Guardians Of The Great Mystery – Part 2

A. Sutherland - - As already mentioned in part 1, several ancient sources reveal that your destiny is engraved and stored. This secret, thousands of years old knowledge is closely guarded and accessible only to a few.

Your Destiny Is Engraved And Stored - Guardians Of The Great Mystery - Part 2

Who are those guardians of this secret knowledge and can every human learn about his or her destiny? Who can get access to this incredible information? How and where are the records of your destiny kept? Who could have mapped and determined your destiny ages ago?

We continue to examine secret ancient knowledge and discover something truly amazing…. (Introduction by Ellen Lloyd)

Read part 1

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See also:

Did Etruscans Solve The Mystery Of Synchronicity And The Secret Language Of The Stars?

Antediluvian Sacred Tablets And Rare Manuscript Reveal Secret Ancient Egyptian Knowledge