Was Tintagel Castle A Fortress Used By Iconic Hero King Arthur?

A. Sutherland - AncientPages.com - Ancient Tintagel Castle has quite spectacular natural topography, particularly the eroded neck of land dividing the island from the mainland.

Located on both sides of the chasm, the castle experienced centuries-long erosion that practically ‘consumed’ many parts of it along with earlier buildings. Split in two by the force of the sea and ruined, the Tintagel Castle was once, the fortress used by King Arthur.

Was Tintagel Castle A Fortress Used By Iconic Hero King Arthur?

One legend has it, the infant Arthur, probably of a mixed Roman and British parentage,was thrown by the waves on the beach by Merlin's cave. He is identified with the known history of a Celtic chieftain of the 5th century, a great warrior, who led his countrymen in the West in their resistance against Saxon invaders.

The original fortress is long gone but archaeologists have found proof in their diggings on the Tintagel Castle, that fifth century citizens lived on the site.

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