Secrets Of The Gods – Why The Papyrus Of Manetho And His Pre-Dynastic King List Upset Egyptologists

Ellen Lloyd - - With its magnificent pyramids, the sphinx, mysterious tombs and enigmatic hieroglyphs, Egypt is a country full of ancient secrets, some of which are heavily guarded.

Ancient Egyptians possessed sophisticated knowledge of astronomy, medicine, architecture and many other sciences. In the ancient world, the enigmatic Egyptians were one of the most advanced civilizations.

Secrets Of The Gods - Why The Papyrus Of Manetho And His Pre-Dynastic King List Upset Egyptologists

When we compare ancient texts, myths and legends with the official timeline of Egyptian history, we sometimes encounter contradictions. When this happens, we have two options.

We can either rely on information offered by mainstream Egyptologists, or investigate critically, but with an open-mind what conclusions researchers who stand outside the mainstream academia have reached.

We should ask ourselves who knows Egypt’s history better. The ancient Egyptians who wrote it or our modern scholars?

This brings us to the subject of Manetho’s papyrus and his pre-dynastic king list that upset most Egyptologists.


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