Enigma Of The Mysterious Ancient Shining Twins – Were They With Humans From The Beginning Of History? Part 1

Ellen Lloyd - AncientPages.com - Ancient people kept the memory of mysterious shining twins alive. Myths, legends, ancient carvings, and prehistoric artifacts reveal these enigmatic beings played an important role in our history.

In almost every ethnic group and all ages, the twins occupied an extraordinary position, but who were the ancient shining twins? Where did they come from? What were their responsibilities and role on our planet?

Enigma Of The Mysterious Ancient Shining Twins - Were They With Humans From The Beginning Of History? Part 1

In our previous article, we discussed the mysterious five twins of Atlantis? Was Bolivia part of Atlantis in ancient times? Why are there so many ancient depictions of twins in this part of the world?

A closer examination of ancient stories from other corners of the world may shed light on the longstanding ancient mystery of the shining twins.

Is it possible that the enigmatic twins appeared for the first time when wild prehistoric creatures still roamed the Earth? Were these twins survivors of a cataclysmic event that destroyed a continent in the ancient past? What do other ancient cultures tell about these strange ancient visitors? Digging deeper into this story we uncover evidence that suggests the ancient twins may not be as mythical as some would like us to believe.

Read part 2

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Library of Ancient & Unexplained Mysteries

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