Mysterious Handprint And Cry For Justice From Beyond The Grave

Ellen Lloyd – – As children, we are taught that justice will always prevail, but when we grow up, we notice far too often this is not the case. There is injustice everywhere and it should be our responsibility to fight for those who have suffered without being guilty of doing anything wrong.

Mysterious Handprint And Cry For Justice From Beyond The Grave

Sometimes we notice injustice, but it’s much too late to change the course of events. People often say one should never judge another person without knowing the whole truth, but sometimes judgment is inevitable, and it worst cases the results of our actions can have fatal consequences.

Today’s story is about a mysterious handprint that has remained an unexplained mystery until today.

Experts have analyzed the handprint using sophisticated technology, but no-one can answer why this handprint keeps reappearing. We discuss a man whose frightening cry for justice can still be heard, and we can only wonder if a horrible mistake took place many years ago.

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