Ancient Mystery Of Italy’s Long-Lost Civilization That Pre-Dates The Ancient Roman Empire And Other Great Old Cultures

Ellen Lloyd - - When discussing Italy’s history, we tend to focus on the Roman Empire, but there is archaeological evidence clearly showing that the country was once home to a long-lost civilization that pre-dates many other great empires.

Ancient Mystery Of Italy’s Long-Lost Civilization That Pre-Dates The Ancient Roman Empire And Other Great Old Cultures

Italy’s forgotten ancient civilization possessed sophisticated knowledge in a variety of science related fields, like for example astronomy and architecture. Why hasn’t this intriguing ancient civilization been given more attention? Who were these mysterious people?

In this article we examine the evidence and legacy supporting the presence of Italy’s ignored ancient civilization. This old European culture did not build impressive pyramids like the Egyptians did, but their existence cannot be denied.

This time our journey takes to ancient Italy.

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