Kantyua And Tantyua – Sacred Tibetan Books Reveal Incredible Lifespan Of The Gods

A. Sutherland - AncientPages.com - The very ancient and mysterious Tibetan books "Kantyua and Tantyua" are a treasury of sacred wisdom and a cornerstone of Tibetan civilization.

Kantyua consists 108 folio volumes and 9 sections with 1083 books, as one book and Tantyua with its 225 volumes, is a commentary on it. Both sacred scriptures, carved on Chinese wooden blocks, take up so much room that they were kept hidden in the cellars of many houses in several villages in Tibetan mountain valleys.

Their date of origin is unknown.

Kantyua And Tantyua - Sacred Tibetan Books Reveal Incredible Lifespan Of The Gods

Sacred Scripts in the Kumbum Monastery

In one of the Kantyua books entitled Collection of the Six Voices and chapter 'Divine Voices' is written: "There are different heavens and these heavens are not open to all divinities. However numerous the gods may be, they can never transgress the three fundamental laws, which are: the domain of the wish, the domain with extension, the domain without the extension. These three laws are divided into subsections.  There are 28 dwelling places altogether. The region of the wish has six..."

Kantyua And Tantyua - Sacred Tibetan Books Reveal Incredible Lifespan Of The Gods

The sacred books describe different regions and their rulers and also different divine years in comparison with human years years are given for each region.

"In the heaven of the four Great Kings 50 terrestrial years correspond to a day and a night. The lifespan is 500 years, or nine million years if one counts in terrestrial years.
Above the heaven of the four Kings we reach the second heavenly dwelling place... In this heaven 100 years among men count as a day a night. The lifespan is 1000 years. If that is reckoned in human years, it is 36000 x 10000 years or 36 million years...

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“Thogcha” – Thousand-Year-Old Tibetan Amulets And The Bon Culture

Phurba Dagger: Magical Weapon That Restrains Evil And Harmful Occult Forces

Yama – Hindu God Who Rules Over The Dead And Souls And Guards Akashic Records

After this heaven there is a place, which resembles many clouds and has the seven treasures, like a great earth. 200 terrestrial days corresponds to a day and a night for the gods.
Their lifespan is 2000 years, which means 144 million (!) human years.

Another heaven described in the chapter "Divine Voices" is the dwelling place of Tusita.

The city of the Tusitas is the most beautiful and venerable of all the celestial worlds. Among the gods living there, 400 human years correspond to a day and a night.

Kantyua And Tantyua - Sacred Tibetan Books Reveal Incredible Lifespan Of The Gods

The lifespan of Tusita's gods is 4000 years, which means 576 million years in human years...

After the world of the gods of Tusita... is the fifth dwelling place, where the gods are able to transform themselves and possess the five elements... Among these gods 800 human years correspond to a day and a night.

Their lifespan is 10000 years, which means two billion 304 million years counted in human years....

Kantyua And Tantyua - Sacred Tibetan Books Reveal Incredible Lifespan Of The Gods

After the fifth heaven, there is the sixth residence, where the gods are able to transform everything and for their pleasure they have gardens, woods, castles and palaces, and everything they desire.

This place is the peak of the region of the wish. Among these gods 16000 human years correspond to a day and a night. Their lifespan is 16000 years, or 9 billion 216 million years expressed in human years."

Of course, the Kantyua and Tantyua are not the only ancient records mentioning extraordinary lifespans of the gods. The Sumerian King List, found in the temple library of Nippur, ancient city of Mesopotamia, now in southeastern Iraq informs that before the Great Flood there were five cities and eight kings who reigned 241,200 years!

Written by – A. Sutherland AncientPages.com Staff Writer

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