Evidence Of Lost Advanced Ancient Technology In Babylon

Ellen Lloyd - AncientPages.com - Historical records clearly show humans often engaged in devastating wars wiping out entire cities and civilizations. If we don’t change our behavior, our aggressive nature may one day lead to our destruction.

Modern archaeologists and historians frequently make discoveries that make us wonder whether long-gone civilizations were more advanced than previously thought.

Evidence Of Lost Advanced Ancient Technology In Babylon

Suppose our own civilization will one day be gone. What will happen with all our technological accomplishments? Will a future archaeologist or historian who find minor traces of our skyscrapers, machines, planes and technical manuals really believe our modern society reached an advanced level of existence?

Will some of our greatest scientists such as Einstein or Tesla be referred to as mythological figures? Will whatever we left behind be labeled as great scientific and technological achievements, or will future generations dismiss everything we worked so hard for as nothing but myths and legends?

Could this be the case with what has happened to past ancient civilizations? Is it possible our ancestors were very intelligent and accomplished much more than we give them credit for? Are we guilty of deliberately diminishing the successes of our ancestors because we desperately want to think of our modern civilization as the most advanced one that has ever set foot on this planet?

We think of ourselves as advanced and often label ancient civilizations as primitive, and yet, our ancestors raised monuments and buildings we cannot reproduce with our most sophisticated technology. We boast about our remarkable inventions, but we “forget” that ancient scientists were familiar with gravity, airplanes, missiles, atomic theory, medicine, astronomy, cosmology long before the modern era.

We can either “update” our history books, or we can continue to fool ourselves because it suits our ego better. Those who truly seek the truth will know there are no definite answers to some of the greatest ancient mysteries, but evidence must be investigated in an objective manner. Only then can we get a better understanding of what took place on our planet in the distant past. Having said this, it’s now time to journey to Babylon and take a look at traces of lost advanced ancient technology.

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