Ancient Miracle Man Possessed Extraordinary Levitation And Telepathic Abilities That Shocked People

Ellen Lloyd - - Extraordinary people with strange and often totally amazing abilities have been known since long ago. Often their almost supernatural abilities go beyond the framework of rational thinking and knowledge we possess.

Ancient Miracle Man Possessed Extraordinary Levitation And Telepathic Abilities That Shocked People

Certain abilities such as for example, telepathy, psychokinesis, levitation, invisibility, and teleportation are said to be impossible and yet there are many cases of people all across the world who have possessed one or even several of these powers.

Therefore, we cannot explain certain unusual abilities of the mind. In one of our articles we discussed what kind of ancient knowledge of levitation and antigravity our ancestors possessed. This time we take a closer look at an extraordinary person who shocked people with his extraordinary levitation and telepathic abilities.

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See also:

Ancient Knowledge Of Levitation And Antigravity

Hidden Face Of The Elusive Master

Strange Encounter With A Dead Medieval Army In Normandy – Or Were They Visitors From A Parallel World?