Forbidden Ancient Manuscripts Almost Erased From History – Unusual Myths, Beliefs And Practices – Part 2

Ellen Lloyd - - Last time, in part 1 of this series, we discovered that we know virtually nothing about the mysterious founder of the controversial religion that was banned.

We know there are various locations that may be regarded as the homeland of this enigmatic man, but the truth remains that no-one knows, neither his age, nor his place of origin. Scholars agree that his entire identity remains shrouded in a veil of mystery.

Forbidden Ancient Manuscripts Almost Erased From History – Unusual Myths, Beliefs And Practices – Part 2

To understand why his secret teachings were forbidden, one must be familiar with certain historical events and understand the political situation in the country to which he brought his exotic wisdom.

In this article, we continue where we left off and this time we take a closer look at the religion and manuscripts that were almost erased from history. We will examine some ancient myths that are virtually unknown to the Western world.

It has to be said that most of the ancient manuscripts contain information that has not yet been properly researched by scientists. In these precious manuscripts, we encounter unusual creatures, interesting accounts of gods, realms and places we never thought existed and other things that contribute to our limited knowledge of this misunderstood and forbidden religion that has been revived again.

Read part 1

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