Calçoene – Amazon Stonehenge And The Mysterious Amapán Megalithic Culture

Ellen Lloyd - - In the distant past, people in Brazil raised fascinating megalithic structures still shrouded in mystery. One intriguing monument is Calçoene, also called the Amazon Stonehenge.

Calçoene – Amazon Stonehenge And The Mysterious Amapán Megalithic Culture

The Calzoene's 'Stonehenge' - Image credit: Leandroisola - CC BY-SA 4.0 DEED

The true purpose of this structure remains to be discovered. It could have been used as an ancient astronomical observatory or for burial purposes, or perhaps both.

Discovery Of The Amazon Stonehenge

Megalithic structures in Amapá state, Brazil, near the city of Calçoene, were first reported by naturalist Emilio Goeldi. While exploring the region, he noticed settings of upright stones in the late 19th century.

At this site, archaeologists have uncovered several fascinating artifacts that could shed more light on the mysterious Amapán people.

The Amazon Stonehenge, sometimes called the "Tropical Stonehenge," raises many baffling questions. 2005 Archaeologists began excavating the site in 2005, but a thorough study of the megalithic structures has yet to be conducted.

So far, 20 megalithic structures, eight burial caves, a mound, and some ancient villages have been discovered.

Calçoene Megalithic Structures Reveal Evidence Of Ancient Astronomical Knowledge

For the most part, Amapán megaliths are easily visible and located on the tops of hills. The stones vary much in size. The megaliths consist of upright or slanted granite blocks in circular arrangements. Some circles are small, less than 10 m in diameter.

Calçoene –Amazon Stonehenge And The Mysterious Amapán Megalithic Culture

A megalithic stone circle in Calçoene, Brazil. The site also called the Amazon Stonehenge.The largest stone structure has a diameter of more than 30 m. The granite stones are rough and straightforward. Image source: Wikipedia commons.

The stones have yet to be submitted to dating techniques, but the carbon-dating of unearthed pottery suggests the site is between 500-2,000 years old.

Studies of the Amazon Stonehenge reveal a connection between the stone structures and the Amapá culture's interest in astronomy. The Stonehenge comparison with the Amazon discovery is due to the astronomical significance of both sites.

On the winter solstice of December 21, the shortest day of the year in the northern hemisphere, the shadow of one of the blocks disappears when the sun is directly above it. The rock has been placed at an angle so that the shadow is possibly tiny throughout the day. This particular block's alignment with the December solstice leads archaeologists to consider the possibility that the site was once an astronomical observatory. During the winter solstice, the sun shines directly through this hole onto another rock for an extended time.

If the stone structure served as a megalithic observatory, then it must have been constructed by sophisticated indigenous culture.

Many of the world's indigenous peoples are thought to use the symbolism of the sky on Earth to harness the power of the celestial world. It would seem that the Amapá megalithic culture was also fascinated with the night sky and heavenly bodies.

The Amazon Stonehenge could re-write the ancient history of ancient societies in South America. Therefore, the stone circles must be studied in more detail. Scientific examinations of the archaeological sites can provide us with more clues and hopefully answers as to the age of the Amapán megalithic culture and its mysterious disappearance.

Written by  Ellen Lloyd –

Updated on January 16, 2024

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