Ancient Knowledge Of Levitation And Antigravity

Ellen Lloyd - – Many scientists worldwide are currently conducting experiments in order to learn more about levitation and antigravity. There are however ancient documents that indicate our ancestors were in some way familiar with these subjects. What kind of ancient knowledge of levitation and antigravity did our ancestors possess?

Ancient Knowledge Of Levitation And Antigravity

In many parts of the world there are enormous monoliths that even in this brilliant era of technology no advanced crane could possible raise.

Our modern society is proud of its technological and scientific achievements, but we are forced to admit that our ancestors possessed unique knowledge we still cannot gain access to. This brings us to the intriguing question: "Did ancients master levitation?"

Could levitation explain how gigantic stones were lifted in prehistoric times? To some people this idea might sound preposterous, but studies of ancient civilizations have provided us with plenty of evidence that people in the past were in fact very clever and in some cases, modern science is still trying to catch up on unknown ancient technologies.

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